Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Tugas Learning English

Nama                   : Anggy Trianty
NPM           : 10211908
Kelas          : 4 EA 25
Tugas Tentang Learning English
First Experience Learning English
My experience started in elementary school subjects were taught English. At that time, as I recall the English language subjects are taught in class 6. While in previous classes I had not received these subjects. Somehow, I also do not really know anything about it. But that the existing curriculum at the time.
The material was first taught by homeroom teacher about the meaning of a noun that exist around us. Continues to interpret the names of the months, the names, the name of a fruit and much more.
I used to think English is easy and fun, because I thought English was not much different from the Indonesian. Develop or stringing words in the English language is like we are stringing words in Indonesian. Staying Indonesian language word we translate into English and then I assemble like indonesia.Tapi language wording in the first, after rising to a junior high school I was a different mindset about the English language.
Mindset Being Changed
After graduating from elementary school I went to tinggkat junior / SMP. The junior I also get the subjects of English, but English at secondary school level material increase even more, it is only natural in the world of education. English class in junior high school, I was taught by English teachers on formulas to construct a sentence. At that time I did not know if the formulas are taught it is grammar. After a long period of class 1 SMP (now grade 7 smp) until the third grade I get so much material, ranging from simple formulas to a level that is more complicated. Instead of increasing my english, I became even more confused with formulas that are taught.
Of conditions that do not quite understand the formula English taught in junior high, I still go to school to senior secondary level / high school, so although my English language test score is not that great. In high school English class is not much different, father / mother-his teacher he teaches formulas as well, similar to what I learned in junior high. The difference formulas were more developed with the sentence pattern which seems to me more rumuit again, I am more confused again. But I do not give up so easily, at home I try to review and study itself sedik-by-bit. Although ultimately I still feel confused, but the important thing I've been trying. Sometimes I also ask my friends who could AGAP English, but the answer is still not satisfactory / still floating. Finally to my third grade sma graduation exams and grades of subjects of English became a benchmark value of graduation. I'm actually at the time it was worried not pass, because my english is still doubtful. But fortunately the value of the benchmark exam is not too high so I was grateful sma still pass the exam, although the value of the English language subjects most unsightly compared with the values ​​of other subjects.

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